Inventor of the FUE Technique, BHT and repair. The only verifiably and proven leading FUE Hair Transplant Surgeon in the World.

The finest, most precise and gentle hair transplant in the world. Dr Ray Woods, Inventor of FUE and BHT since 1989, is the most experienced doctor in this field. No scalpel, no stitches, no legal disclaimers or technicians are used. Follicular “single” Unit Extraction is performed by Dr Ray Woods personally. Monitoring of each and every follicle placement is still a worldwide exclusive.

see results

Working Times

Each procedure is unique and requires varying hours of micro surgical artistic reconstruction and effort. Therefore the hours are fluid.


Please complete this online consultation form accurately to assist Dr Ray Woods in preparing for your in-person, skype, online or telephone consultation.


Discover the cause of your hair loss and undertake a treatment plan that is right for you. We service and support international enquiries and ‘discreet’ clients from around the world. 

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Call today to book your confidential hair transplant consultation with Dr Woods in Sydney.

+61 2 9560 0111

Hair Transplant Sydney at The Woods Technique. 

Treating hair loss is possible, and there are several options. However, none provides consistent and excellent results except The Woods Technique. We are the only clinic in the world that provides 100% verifiable hair restoration & unparalleled quality control. Every surgery is recorded, and available in the public domain for transparency.

Dr Woods is the inventor of FUE / BHT hair transplants and recognised worldwide for revolutionising the hair trans-plant industry in 1989 after developing minimally invasive microsurgical hair transplant procedures. Since graduating from Sydney Medical School in 1982, Dr Woods has completed over 10,000 hair transplants. With over 35 years of experience, he is the leading global expert in his field.


FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant surgery performed personally by the inventor of FUE. No technicians or machines, discreet surgery done by hand to deliver maximum yield without causing any harm, to you or your hair follicles. Each procedure recorded and 100% verifiable. View results.

Scar Repair Using Donor Hair 

Hairline repair and scar damage elimination using. Undo the damage of botched hair transplants, FUE mega sessions, strip surgery and excision surgery, including damage to the back of the head. Learn more if you wish to Stop further hair loss, wearing a cap or a wig. View results.

Body Hair Transplant (BHT)

Body hair transplant using chest, beard and body hair to restore decimated areas on the hairline, scalp and donor area. Body hair transplant can reverse some, and often all of the damage from scalp flap, punch or strip surgery. View results.

Repair Misplaced Hair Plugs

Remove individual hair follicles from hair plug implants, and rebuild your frontal hair line using microsurgical skin grafting. Reverse the unsightly damage of a pluggy “doll hair”. Dr Woods will repair your hair plugs and recreate a softer, and more naturally placed hair line. View results.

Microsurgical Skin Grafting

Micro-surgical skin grafting to repair damaged and misplaced hair lines. Dr Woods delivers precision cosmetic results by individually removing each hair follicle, and using 1mm skin grafts from behind the ear(s) to achieve a natural hair line. No scars, dents, or pock marks. View results.

Repair Female Baldness

Non-invasive FUE hair transplant surgery with zero scarring. Each hair follicle is individually extracted and implanted for beautiful and natural growth. Female balding affects 40% of women world-wide. Permanent hair regrowth is guaranteed. View results.

No.1 Top Ranked FUE Hair Transplant Clinic in Australia – HairSite

The Platinum Standard For Hair Loss Treatment

Restoring your hair is possible

There is only one master hair transplant surgeon in the world. If you value your hair, contact Dr Woods today as appointments are limited.

about the technique
compare other methods
No Scalpel or Stitches

No strip excision to be performed or offered by the clinic.

No Disclaimers

No disclaimers or waivers. We stand behind our results. 

100% Verifiable

Patient interaction and intra-operative monitoring of follicular placement.

Cosmetic precision

Largest instrument used is a 21 gauge hypodermic needle. For scar repair, a 19 gauge.

Monitoring Donor Extraction

Monitoring of Donor Extraction (M.O.D.E) available upon request.

Do no harm

Donor site conservation and protection.

2 Generations of Experts

Over 37 years of experience.

No Sedation

No intravenous or analgesia. Patient should be fully aware.

Hairs Transplanted
Surgeries Performed
Years of Experience

What is a hair transplant?

Dr Woods began researching and developing the FUE hair transplant technique in 1989 in response to witnessing massive trauma, scarring, disfigurement and poor results at the hand of conventional hair transplantation methods. After rigorous research, he discovered that donor hair at the back and sides of the head never falls out, and may be transplanted anywhere on the scalp, or body, resulting in permanent growth.

Your donor hair is precious and in finite supply. If it is mishandled, a damaged or hastily removed hair follicle with die – and never regrow. While international hair transplant clinics claim to perform thousands of grafts in one or two surgeries, the results are too similar: poor growth, decimation of donor supply and in some cases death from hair transplant (media link).

The Woods Technique of Hair Transplant is not a one-day procedure or a quick fix. It is commitment to a course of treatment to ensure permanent results. It is the platinum standard sought out by individuals seeking guaranteed regrowth for life without sacrificing quality for cost. Patients come from every occupation, and include distinguished dignitaries, celebrities, politicians, professional athletes, and international royalty.

The Platinum Standard in Hair Restoration

Our record of accomplishment comes from adhering to strict ethical and professional standards. A platinum standard hair transplant takes several days (not hours) of minimally invasive surgery depending on the number of hairs you desire. After an initial assessment, a tailored hair restoration regimen is developed for your specific needs, and only the numbers of hairs that are guaranteed to remain on your scalp for life are transplanted. Often times, this is around 500 follicles per session. This sets Dr Woods apart from his contemporaries: each strand of hair is precious and handled with the utmost care and respect.

At the Woods Technique there is no margin of error, transection, or harm – ever.

Only Dr Woods has the microsurgical skill, immense patience, correct instrumentation, decades of practice, training, and a passion for microsurgical artistry.

Only an extremely small number of doctors are capable of elevating hair transplantation into a “microsurgical art form.”

Guaranteed Hair Growth. Zero Harm Procedure.

Our patients do not to sign waivers or non-disclosure agreements. Instead, we are the only hair transplant clinic in the world to abide by a Charter of Patient Rights. We record your hair transplant procedure in real-time before your eyes to provide independently verifiable results.

Each hair follicle placement and donor extraction is observable under high power magnification. Throughout the procedure, nothing is hidden from patients and the entire procedure is completed with care and transparency.

Watch as each hair is correctly inserted without damage and transection. The Woods Technique of Hair Transplant in Sydney is the only clinic that offers this Monitoring of Donor Extraction (M.O.D.E).

How FUE is performed

Dr Woods achieves precise cosmetic results using micro-engineered instruments, high power-magnification, and natural talent to micro-sense hair follicles within a tolerance of tenths of a millimeter.

This ability to perceive the 3D angulation and depth of each follicle preserves each bulb for guaranteed regrowth. Each individual follicle ‘cylinder’ unit is gently removed from the back of the head, one by one, through ‘micro-incisions’ of approximately 0.5mm to 1mm diameter. Each unit contains only 1-3 hairs.

We typically transplant 500 grafts in one session. 500 grafts contain approximately 1000 to 1,200 hairs. Commonly up to 4 sessions can be performed within a 4-7 day period, (approx. 5,000 hair). Also 8 procedures can be performed in 8 to 14 days (approx. 10,000 hair).

Before & after results

Body Hair Transplants

In addition to developing FUE, Dr Woods invented body hair transplant (BHT). This technique transplants hair from the chest, abdomen, back, arms, legs, and neck and beard line to the scalp, scarred areas, for permanent regrowth.

BHT provides renewed hope for men and women who suffered disfigurement from destructive hair transplant procedures such as strip surgery, hair plugs and FUT. In fact, body hair transplanted to the scalp, can grow longer than its original length.

Before & after results