Female Hair Transplant Result: 1000 FUE Grafts in Frontal Hair Line & Temples

Although generally considered a problem for men, hair loss can affect up to 40% of the female population. This can have a tremendous psychological impact on women since it is considered far less “acceptable” a condition that it is for men. Despite this, we would strongly recommend that women take the time to research hair transplants for women before committing to a procedure.

One of the techniques that you’ll find in your research is known as “strip-mining.” In this procedure a strip of your scalp will be cut free from your head. The resulting wound will be closed with medical staples or stitches and will leave a major scar wrapping around the back of your head which may be visible if you choose to cut your hair to a shorter length.

Another method of hair transplant for women is the “plug” method. In this case circles of your scalp are cut out from the donor area and are grafted onto the area suffering from hair loss. This can leave scarring in both the donor and recipient zones around your scalp, and the plugs can give you an unmistakeable “doll’s hair” look, especially if they’re located along the hairline.

The preferred technique, known as Follicular Unit Extraction, does not require invasive surgery and does not leave scars. Instead each follicle of growing and healthy donation hair is extracted and transplanted on an individual basis. This results in a much more natural-looking hairline as seen in the video.
If you have questions or concerns we would be more than happy to help you address them. Please give us a call at +612 9560 0111 or get in touch with us via our website.