The Platinum Standard in Hair Transplantation
About the Woods Technique
100% Verifiable Results. Cosmetic Precision Guaranteed Personally By The Inventor of FUE.

Hair Transplantation
The Woods Technique is only performed with local anaesthetic and is a gentle microsurgical procedure. You may observe, direct, discuss and be totally informed and involved in the replacement of your hair. Our method of donor extraction (M.O.D.E.) is unprecedented, and unequaled.
There is absolutely no need for a ‘Biopsy Test’, ‘Trial’ or ‘Test Patch’ prior to our procedure. It is available for everyone worldwide. The procedure is completely harm free, and we unequivocally refuse to undertake, and never recommend destructive hair transplant procedures such as “strip-excision”, “hair punch”, “hair plugs”, “scalp reduction” or “FUT hair transplants”.
Instead, we remove the individual follicle ‘cylinder’ units from the back of the head, one by one, through ‘micro-incisions’ of approximately 0.8-1mm diameter. Each follicular unit contains only 1, 2, or 3 hairs. We can transplant up to 600 of these individual follicular unit ‘cylinders’ (also called ‘grafts’) in one ‘TOP-UP’ session. Every 600 grafts contain approximately 1,200 hairs).
Commonly up to 4 sessions can be performed within a 4-7 day period, (approx. 5,000 hair). Also 8 procedures can be performed in 14 days (approx. 10,000 hair) These ‘micro-incisions’ shrink to approximately 0.7mm within hours of the procedure and form tiny crusts that disappear in 7 to 14 days.
There are no restrictions regarding straining or lifting. You may drive home after each procedure or travel by air the next day if you wish. The back and sides of the head can have 50,000 to 100,000 hair, so there is no visible difference to this ‘donor area’, even after multiple ‘TOP-UP’ sessions.
There are no legal disclaimers to sign, and to our knowledge we are the only Hair Transplantation Clinic in the world where legal disclaimers and waivers are not required. This is your guarantee of our ethical approach, confidence in our procedure and commitment that we are providing the safest and most perfect Hair Transplantation method possible.
Schedule Your Confidential Consultation
Demand for the Woods Technique of FUE is extremely high and surgeries must be booked well in advance. Contact Dr Woods today for a no obligation hair transplantation consultation, and discover the cause of your hair loss and formulate a tailored treatment plan. Call us at +612 9560 0111 or email